You have reached the home page of the Ridge Live Steamers, Inc. This website is provided for the benefit of our members, model railroad and live steam enthusiasts. Fellow live steamers and those interested in the live steam and model railroading hobbies are welcome.
RLS is a non-profit organization and will work with other non-profit organizations dedicated to further the awareness of our railroad heritage.
RLS is a 7½” gauge railroad that currently has 7,500 feet of mainline with an additional 7,300 feet in sidings and yards. We also have a 180 foot, 3 track loop of elevated Gauge 1 and G-Gauge. Stationary and steam traction engines are also welcome.

Ridge Live Steamers
Live Steam
Florida's Highest Railroad! Riding Train That Derails! 3 Miles Of 7.5 Track, Real Steam Locomotives
Real Coal Burning Steam Locomotives & Miles Of 7.5 Gauge Track. See How The Trains Are Brought In And Loaded Onto The Tracks. Huge Layout That I Ride With ...